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Agraria » Equipment and Industrial Plants for Food Industries, Fabrizio Sarghini

Il Corso


Aim of this course is to provide a theoretical background on working principle and selection criteria of the main equipments and industrial plants in use in the food industries.
At the end of the course the student will be able to understand the interaction between raw materials and machineries in order to properly choose the appropriate equipment for the required unitary operation.

Testi d'esame

  • ToledoR.T., Foundamental of Food Process Engineering
  • Valentas K.J., Rotstein E., Singh R.P., Handbook of food engineering practice
  • Heldman D.R., Lund D.B., Handbook of food engineering
  • Teacher's Classnotes.

La Cattedra

Fabrizio Sarghini

Prof. Fabrizio Sarghini

Fabrizio Sarghini graduated in Aerospace Engineering at the Polytechnic of Milan with honors, and received his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II.
Winner of CNR grants and NATO research fellowship at the University of Naples Federico II, was for about three years Research Associate at University of Maryland, College Park, USA.
At the same time he was a Visiting Scientist at NASA Langley Research Center.
Since 2005 he is researcher at the University of Naples Federico II and teacher of Machinery and Equipment for the Food Industry.
It ‘been a consultant for Enel Research and companies in the food industry, and is a reviewer for national and international journals. An expert in heat and mass transport issues with particular experience in numerical fluid dynamics, current research topics focuses on modeling applied to agro-food applications including microfluidics, sensors and asepting processing.

Anagrafica del corso

  • Agraria, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
  • Corsi di laurea: Tecnologie alimentari
  • Anno accademico: 2009/2010


Indirizzo: Dipartimento Ingegneria Agraria e Agronomia del Territorio, Via Università, 100, Portici (NA) - 80055

Telefono: 081.2539457. Sito Web

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