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Ingegneria » Materials Thermodynamics, Giuseppe Mensitieri

Il Corso


This course is intended for students at the master level in Materials Engineering and addresses the thermodynamics of materials with focus on the principles that rule the writing of constitutive equations describing the behavior of materials. Aim of this course is introducing the students at the Master level in Materials Engineering to equilibrium and non-equilibrium materials thermodynamics, on the grounds of a rational thermodynamics approach. The part dealing with Equilibrium thermodynamics addresses the issues related to multicomponent real systems. Equilibrium thermodynamics of real pure substances is instead treated in the course ‘Macroscopic thermodynamics’ for students at the bachelor level. Partial molar properties, chemical potential, fugacity and activity are introduced and analysed passing then to techniques of construction of phase diagrams for multicomponent systems. Equilibrium conditions for multiphase multicomponent systems are illustrated also in the presence of external fields. Finally, surface effects on equilibrium thermodynamics are addressed. Thermodynamic transitions are analysed also with reference to special cases like glass transition, which is treated illustrating several approaches. The use of II principle of thermodynamic s is specifically addressed with the aim of constructing constitutive expressions for non equilibrium behavior of elastic, viscous, reacting and relaxing systems. Extensive use is made of thermodynamics with internal state variables.

The whole course should reach the goal of familiarizing the student with thermodynamics of non-equilibrium multicomponent systems providing a competence in constructing, on the basis of II principle, thermodynamically consistent constitutive expressions for materials behavior.

Testi d'esame

  • R.T. Dehoff, 'Thermodynamics in Materials Science, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
  • G. Astarita, 'Thermodynamics. An advanced textbook for chemical engineers', New York and London, Plenum Press, 1990.
  • G. Mensitieri, Lectures notes.

La Cattedra

Giuseppe Mensitieri

Prof. Giuseppe Mensitieri

Giuseppe Mensitieri graduated in Chemical Engineering on 1985 at the University of Naples Federico II where he is currently full professor of Materials Science and Technology and of Macromolecular Materials, after having been assistant and associate professor in the same University. He is currently Director of the Master Program in ‘Materials Engineering’ and has served as supervisor of about 20 PhD theses and 50 Master theses.
Main field of research, performed at the Department of Materials and Production Engineering, is that of polymeric materials with focus on structure – properties relationships. In particular his research activities concern:
a) study and characterization of low molecular weight molecules transport through polymers
b) thermodynamics of solute-polymer mixtures,
c) polymer – penetrant chemical-physical interactions
d) technological applications related to these phenomena (e.g. polymer and composites durability, polymer foaming processes, gas and vapor barrier polymers, membranes for fuel cells, drug delivery, barrier polymers).
He is author of 80 scientific publications on international refereed journals, 9 book chapters and of 4 patents.

Anagrafica del corso

  • Ingegneria, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
  • Corsi di laurea: Corso di Laurea specialistica in Ingegneria dei Materiali
  • Anno accademico: 2009/2010


Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Ingegneria dei Materiali e della Produzione, Piazzale Tecchio, 80, Napoli (NA) - 80125

Telefono: 081.7682512. Sito Web

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