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Economia » Organizzazione Aziendale, Luigi Maria Sicca

Il Corso


The course aims to develop students’ skills in organizational diagnosis, by means of two meta-objectives:
- mastering the contents of the set text books, articles and teaching materials;
- "verifying" empirically the discipline contents as this is manifested - hic et nunc - in students’ participation in university life, both inside and outside the lecture hall: conventional lectures, group work, plenary discussions, tests, and so on … these are all organizational experiences which the student must learn to “re-cognise”. In other words, the University, Faculty, Department, the interaction with colleagues and the professor, the evocation of other organizational experiences (such as part-time work, clubs and societies, etc.) can all play their part, during lectures, in identifying the dynamics of company organization: personal experience becomes a tool for learning to think for oneself, integrating theoretical and practical knowledge.
Thus far from merely “explaining” the syllabus, the course is first and foremost the source of experiences to be valued and shared, in which each student is an individual organizational actor, in the study sub-groups, but also part of the plenary organization involving network relations. This is the sense of its collocation in the project.

Testi d'esame

  • De Vita P., Mercurio R., Testa F., Organizzazione aziendale: assetto e meccanismi di relazione, Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2007.
  • Sicca LM, O l'impresa, o la vita. Storia organizzative ed epiche (terza edizione), Egea, Milano, 2018.

La Cattedra

Luigi Maria Sicca

Prof. Luigi Maria Sicca

Since the mid-1990s he has favoured the critical management approach. He is particularly interested in decodifying the symbols and artefacts involved in “structure design-organizational behaviour”. This has led to research into such apparently “specialist” organizations as opera houses, theatres, festivals, orchestras. In-depth study of these organizations can stand as an exemplum for students of organization because it makes visible – as under a microscope or camera lens – modalities of organizational action with traditions going back over millennia, and which are nonetheless present in the organizations which have made the history of industrial capitalism. University lecture halls are themselves formal organizations, if not (yet) in an industrial sense, and represent learning communities displaying precisely the dynamics which students will come across in in professional enterprises.
Luigi Maria Sicca leads puntOorg International Research Network

Anagrafica del corso

  • Economia, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
  • Corsi di laurea: Economia e Commercio; Economia Aziendale.
  • Anno accademico: 2009/2010


Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale, Complesso Universitario di Monte Sant'Angelo, Via Cintia, 21, Napoli (NA) - 80126

Telefono: 081.675289. Sito Web

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