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Girolamo Tessuto » 5.Peculiarities of statutes II

Peculiarities of statutes: a glance at the language

Peculiarities of statutes: a glance at the language II

Peculiarities of statutes: a glance at the language III

Peculiarities of statutes: a glance at the language IV

Paragraphing to aid readability of the contents: current legal drafters are serious about using paragraphing to set out cases and conditions, together with the legal subject and the legal action, as the essential components of provisions. As part of plain language techniques, the function of the paragraphing system is to aid readability of the provision, so that the logical relationships between in/dependent clauses in the (provision) sentence are revealed at a glance than would otherwise be without such a system.

Peculiarities of statutes: a glance at the language V

Peculiarities of statutes: a glance at the language VI

Peculiarities of statutes: a glance at the language VII

Peculiarities of statutes: a glance at the language VIII

Peculiarities of statutes: a glance at the language IX

Peculiarities of statutes: a glance at the language X

Peculiarities of statutes: a glance at the language XI

Peculiarities of statutes: a glance at the language XII

I materiali di supporto della lezione

G. Tessuto, English for Law. A Focus on Legal Concepts and Language, Torino, 2006

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