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Agraria » Mathematics: Exercises, Francesco Giannino

Il Corso


This course is designed to supplement the calculus course with exercises, examples, supplementary notes. For each main topic there are some exercises, problems, tests based on material available for the calculus course.
Some exercises (a few for each typology) solved in an interactive step by step approach aimed to foster a full understanding of the main concepts.
Assessment tests are available at the end of each lesson.

Testi d'esame

  • Robert A. Adams, Calculus: A Complete Course, 6/E, Pearson Education Canada, Copyright: 2007

La Cattedra

Francesco Giannino

Prof. Francesco Giannino

Date of birth: 27 August 1972. Titles of study: 2005 Researcher in MAT/08 “Numerical Analysis”; 2002 PhD, discussing the thesis titled: “Modelling of Plant System.” 1997 degree cum laude in Mathematics with numerical Application at University of studies of Naples Federico II. Scientific Activity: The research activity mainly deals with the modelling theory and implementation of the ecological modeling systems and integrated modeling software development. In particular the research interest are:
- Models of ecological processes of Mediterranean ecosystems
- Applied modelling Software

Curriculum completo

Anagrafica del corso

  • Agraria, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
  • Corsi di laurea: Tecnologie alimentari
  • Anno accademico: 2009/2010


Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Agraria e Agronomia del Territorio, Via Università, 100, Portici (NA) - 80055

Telefono: 081.2531111. Sito Web

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