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Agraria » Animal Production, Fernando Grasso

Il Corso


Rearing systems of the main farm animals and principles of the organic farming. Aspects concerning the definition of the animal products’ quality in relation to their utilization. Food safety. Tracking and tracing.
Milk production. Composition, chemical-physical and dairy-technological characteristics of the milk. Evaluation of the milk quality in relation to the utilization: alimentary consumption and cheese making. Milking hygiene. Processes controls.
Meat production. Morpho-functional evaluation of the animals used for meat production. Slaughtering hygiene. From muscle to meat. Evaluation of the meat quality (nutritional, rheological, color, etc.). Intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing meat quality.
Egg production. Composition and nutritional value of the egg. Factors affecting qualitative properties of the egg for the direct consumption and for industry. Hygienic and sanitary control of the egg.
Fish production. Hygienic, sanitary and commercial control of the fish products. Freshness evaluation.

Testi d'esame

  • J.R. GILLESPIE and F.B. FLANDERS, Modern livestock and poultry production, Clifton Park, New York, Delmar, 2010 (8th Edition)
  • C.M. WATHES and D.R. CHARLES eds, Livestock housing, Wallingford, CAB International, 1994
  • P.D. WARRISS, Meat science: an introductory text, Wallingford, CABI Publishing, CAB International, 2000
  • C.J.C. PHILLIPS ed., Progress in dairy science, Wallingford, CAB International, 1996

La Cattedra

Fernando Grasso

Prof. Fernando Grasso

Born in Lisciano Niccone (Perugia) on 3rd March 1953. On 1977 he graduated in Agricultural Science at the University of Naples. Research fellowship, Italian National Research Council (CNR). University researcher. Presently, he is associate professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Naples “Federico II”.
Teaching activity
He has taught the following disciplines: Animal husbandry, Animal physiology, Animal bioclimatology, Management for milk production, Animal husbandry and products quality.
Presently, he teaches Animal production (Degree in Food Technology).
Research activity
Main fields of interest of the scientific production are: (a) evaluation of meat quality (rheological, colour, histochemical and sensorial characteristics) in different species (b) effect of some factors on metabolic and hormonal profile (c) environmental and genetic factors affecting the milk aptitude at coagulation (d) embryo transfer and semen evaluation (e) applied animal behaviour.
Results are shown in more than 125 scientific papers.

Anagrafica del corso

  • Agraria, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
  • Corsi di laurea: Tecnologie Alimentari
  • Anno accademico: 2010/2011
  • Sede del corso: Palazzo Mascabruno, Portici


Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta, dell'Ambiente e delle Produzioni Animali, Via Università, 100, Portici (NA) - 80055

Telefono: 081.2539298. Sito Web

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